Water Resources

Kingsland Sanitary Storage Facility
The purpose of this design-build project is to provide sanitary system capacity and wet weather relief by designing and constructing a 1-million-gallon underground storage tank, a diversion structure, a submersible wet well pump station, and associated site work and appurtenances.
CDI performed hydraulic modeling on the existing and proposed sanitary sewer system using XP-SWMM to assess sewer capacity, verify the level of service, evaluate system inflow and infiltration, and assess the removal of the sanitary sewer overflows as part of the storage facility design for the entire University City Watershed. CDI also completed facility site design and related structural calculations for all non-tank structures. In addition, CDI coordinated with the City of Pagedale, St. Louis County, and US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) to obtain applicable permits and approvals.
Client: Crawford, Murphy & Tilly
Owner: Metropolitan St. Louis Sewer District
Location: Pagedale, MO