Infrastructure + Analytics | Water Resources

Ameren Missouri SPCC Reinspection Program
To comply with EPA’s Spill Prevention Control and Countermeasures (SPCC) regulations, Ameren Missouri must prepare plans for any oil containing sites. CDI was contracted to implement a GIS-centric workflow for the reinspection and prioritization of Ameren’s substation sites and associated oil containing equipment as part of their SPCC program update.
Working with Ameren, CDI developed a GIS-centric workflow to perform substation evaluations, field investigations, and data analysis for their nearly 800 substation sites in Missouri. In addition to the GIS workflow, CDI was scoped to perform hydraulic modeling using Mineral Oil Spill Evaluation Software (MOSES) for each site and qualifying piece of equipment, estimating the potential spill risks and determining an Active or Passive status for the SPCC plan. Project deliverables include the hosted SPCC GIS database portal, substation site reports, analyzed modeling results, and prioritization of substation sites for construction planning.
Client: Ameren Missouri
Owner: Ameren Missouri